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this is the terminal station

  • 1 terminal

    'tə:minəl 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) endestasjon, terminal
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) pol, kontakt
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminal
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) uhelbredelig
    subst. \/ˈtɜːmɪnəl\/
    1) slutt(del), avslutning, endepunkt, spiss
    2) grense
    3) sluttstasjon, endestasjon, terminal
    4) ( elektrisistet) klemme, kabelfeste
    5) ( elektrisistet) pol
    6) ( EDB) terminal
    adj. \/ˈtɜːmɪnl\/
    1) slutt-, ende-, topp-, ytterst, ytter-, avsluttende, siste
    2) grense-
    3) ( botanikk) endestilt (dannet i spissen av en gren eller stilk)
    4) termin-
    5) ( medisin) dødelig, uhelbredelig, i siste stadium
    terminal ward seward, 1

    English-Norwegian dictionary > terminal

  • 2 terminal

    1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) terminal
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) borne
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminal

    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) terminal
    terminal n terminal

    terminal adjetivo ‹enfermedad/caso terminal; ■ sustantivo masculino (Elec, Inf) terminal ■ sustantivo femenino ( de autobuses) terminus, bus station; (Aviac, Inf) terminal
    I m Elec Inform terminal
    II f Av terminal (de autobús) terminus: está buscando la terminal sur de autobuses, he is looking for the Southern Bus Station
    III adj (fase, paciente, enfermedad) terminal ' terminal' also found in these entries: Spanish: borne - cabezal - espigón - estación English: air terminal - terminal - terminus - depot - on - station - terminally - VDT - work
    1 terminal
    1 SMALLELECTRICITY/SMALL borne nombre masculino
    2 SMALLCOMPUTING/SMALL terminal nombre masculino
    terminal ['tərmənəl] adj
    : terminal
    1) : terminal m, polo m (en electricidad)
    2) : terminal m (de una computadora)
    3) station: terminal f, estación f (de transporte público)
    extremo, -a adj.
    terminal adj.
    borne s.m.
    desahuciado (Enfermo) s.m.
    final s.m.
    polo s.m.
    terminal (MED, INF) s.m.
    término s.m.

    I 'tɜːrmənḷ, 'tɜːmɪnḷ
    a) (of, relating to death) <cancer/illness> terminal; < patient> (en fase) terminal, desahuciado
    b) ( at end) (before n) <point/stage> terminal

    terminal stationestación f terminal

    a) ( Transp) ( at airport) terminal f, terminal m (Chi)

    train terminalestación f terminal

    bus terminalterminalf or (Chi) m de autobuses

    b) ( Comput) terminal m
    c) ( Elec) terminal m, polo m
    1. ADJ
    1) (=incurable) [cancer, patient, case] terminal, en fase terminal
    2) * (=utter) [boredom] mortal *; [adolescent] incorregible, impenitente
    2. N
    1) (Elec) borne m, polo m ; (Comput) terminal m
    2) [of bus, train] terminal f

    terminal buildingedificio m de la terminal

    * * *

    I ['tɜːrmənḷ, 'tɜːmɪnḷ]
    a) (of, relating to death) <cancer/illness> terminal; < patient> (en fase) terminal, desahuciado
    b) ( at end) (before n) <point/stage> terminal

    terminal stationestación f terminal

    a) ( Transp) ( at airport) terminal f, terminal m (Chi)

    train terminalestación f terminal

    bus terminalterminalf or (Chi) m de autobuses

    b) ( Comput) terminal m
    c) ( Elec) terminal m, polo m

    English-spanish dictionary > terminal

  • 3 terminal

    1. noun
    1) (Electr.) Anschluss, der; (of battery) Pol, der
    2) (for train or bus) Bahnhof, der; (for airline passengers) Terminal, der od. das
    3) (Teleph., Computing) Terminal, das
    2. adjective
    1) End[bahnhof, -station]
    2) (Med.) unheilbar
    * * *
    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) der Terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) die Endstation
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) der Pol
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) das Endstück
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) End-,im Endstadium
    - academic.ru/74146/terminally">terminally
    * * *
    [ˈtɜ:mɪnəl, AM ˈtɜ:r-]
    I. adj inv
    1. (fatal) End-
    she has \terminal cancer sie ist unheilbar an Krebs erkrankt
    \terminal disease [or illness] tödlich verlaufende Krankheit
    \terminal patient Sterbepatient(in) m(f)
    the shipbuilding industry is in \terminal decline die Schiffsbaubranche befindet sich unaufhaltsam im Niedergang
    \terminal boredom tödliche Langeweile
    3. (concerning travel terminals) Terminal-
    \terminal building Flughafengebäude nt
    II. n
    1. AVIAT, TRANSP Terminal m o nt
    air \terminal Flughafengebäude nt
    ferry \terminal Bestimmungshafen m; (building) Hafenterminal nt
    rail \terminal Endstation f
    2. COMPUT (part of computer) Terminal nt; (point in network) Netzstation f
    3. (point in circuit) [Anschluss]pol m
    * * *
    1. adj
    1) (= final) End-; (MED = incurable) illness, patient unheilbar; (= for the dying) care für Sterbende; (= dire) problem fatal

    he's a terminal caseer ist unheilbar krank

    2) (inf: utter) boredom endlos; stupidity bodenlos; adolescent ewig; workaholic extrem
    3) (BOT, ANAT: on extremity) am Ende befindlich
    2. n
    1) (RAIL) Endbahnhof m; (for tramway, buses) Endstation f; (= container terminal) Containerterminal m

    air or airport terminal(Flughafen)terminal m, Flughafengebäude nt

    2) (ELEC) Pol m
    3) (COMPUT) Terminal nt
    * * *
    terminal [ˈtɜːmınl; US ˈtɜrmnəl]
    A adj
    1. Grenz…, begrenzend:
    2. letzt(er, e, es), End…, (Ab-)Schluss…:
    terminal amplifier ELEK Endverstärker m;
    terminal examination SCHULE Abschlussprüfung f;
    terminal station B 5 a;
    terminal syllable LING Endsilbe f;
    terminal value MATH Endwert m;
    terminal voltage ELEK Klemmenspannung f
    3. a) Br SCHULE, UNIV Trimester…
    b) US UNIV Semester…, SCHULE Halbjahres…
    4. MED
    a) unheilbar (Krankheit)
    b) im Endstadium:
    terminal phase ( oder stage) Terminalstadium n
    c) Sterbe…:
    5. umg hoffnungslos (Fall etc), unlösbar (Problem etc)
    6. BOT end-, gipfelständig
    B s
    1. Endstück n, -glied n, Ende n, Spitze f
    2. LING Endsilbe f, -buchstabe m, -wort n
    3. ELEK
    a) Klemmschraube f
    b) (Anschluss)Klemme f, (Plus-, Minus) Pol m
    c) Endstecker m
    d) Kabelschuh m
    4. ARCH Endglied n, -verzierung f
    5. a) BAHN etc Endstation f, Kopfbahnhof m
    b) End- oder Ausgangspunkt m (einer Transportlinie etc)
    c) air terminal 1
    d) Terminal m, auch n, (zentraler) Umschlagplatz
    6. Terminal m, auch n:
    term. abk
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (Electr.) Anschluss, der; (of battery) Pol, der
    2) (for train or bus) Bahnhof, der; (for airline passengers) Terminal, der od. das
    3) (Teleph., Computing) Terminal, das
    2. adjective
    1) End[bahnhof, -station]
    2) (Med.) unheilbar
    * * *
    Klemme -n f.
    Sichtgerät n.
    Terminal -s n.

    English-german dictionary > terminal

  • 4 terminal

    ['tɜːmɪnl] 1.
    1) (at station) terminal m.; aer. (air) terminal m.

    rail terminal — terminal, stazione di testa

    2) inform. terminale m.
    3) el. terminale m.
    1) (last) [ stage] terminale; med. (incurable) [ patient] terminale, incurabile; fig. [ boredom] mortale
    2) comm. scol. trimestrale
    * * *
    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) stazione; capolinea
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) terminale
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminale
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) terminale
    * * *
    terminal /ˈtɜ:mɪnl/
    A a.
    1 terminale; finale; estremo: (bot.) terminal leaflet, fogliolina terminale
    2 (med.) terminale: terminal ileitis, ileite terminale
    3 trimestrale; periodico: (rag.) terminal accounts, rendiconto trimestrale; terminal examinations, esami trimestrali
    4 (comput.) di terminale: terminal emulator, emulatore di terminale
    5 (elettr.) di morsetto; ai morsetti; di connessione
    B n.
    1 (elettr.) capocorda; terminale; morsetto
    2 (comput.) terminale
    3 (ferr., = terminal station) stazione di testa; capolinea
    4 ( anche bus terminal) capolinea; ( anche) città capolinea ( di autobus, ecc.)
    5 (aeron., = air terminal) aerostazione urbana; terminal
    ● (telef.) terminal block, morsettiera □ (elettr.) terminal board, morsettiera □ (bot.) terminal bud, gemma apicale □ (geol.) terminal moraine, morena frontale □ terminal tower, pilone ( di funivia o teleferica) □ (fis.) terminal velocity, velocità limite □ (elettr.) terminal voltage, tensione ai morsetti □ ( d'ospedale) terminal ward, reparto malati terminali.
    * * *
    ['tɜːmɪnl] 1.
    1) (at station) terminal m.; aer. (air) terminal m.

    rail terminal — terminal, stazione di testa

    2) inform. terminale m.
    3) el. terminale m.
    1) (last) [ stage] terminale; med. (incurable) [ patient] terminale, incurabile; fig. [ boredom] mortale
    2) comm. scol. trimestrale

    English-Italian dictionary > terminal

  • 5 terminal

    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) končna postaja
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) pol
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminal
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) v zadnjem stadiju
    * * *
    I [tɜ:minəl]
    mejen, ki tvori mejo; končen, poslednji, zaključni, skrajni; terminski; četrtleten, trimestralen, semestralen; logic pojmoven
    terminal station (stop) — zadnja, končna postaja (postajališče)
    II [tɜ:minəl]
    meja, konec, kraj, vrh, zaključek; linguistics končni zlog (črka, beseda); technical vijak za stiskanje (zategovanje, zaviranje); politics (v bateriji); American končna železniška postaja; university semestralni izpit

    English-Slovenian dictionary > terminal

  • 6 terminal

    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminal; -terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) terminal; -terminal
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) pol
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminal
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) dødelig; terminal
    * * *
    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminal; -terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) terminal; -terminal
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) pol
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminal
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) dødelig; terminal

    English-Danish dictionary > terminal

  • 7 terminal

    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) terminal
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) terminal
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminal
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) fatal
    * * *
    [t'ə:minəl] n 1 final, parte final, extremidade. 2 terminal (estação de ônibus, trem ou aeroporto). 3 Electr borne, terminal. 4 Comp terminal. • adj 1 terminal, final. 2 relativo ao termo. 3 limitativo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > terminal

  • 8 terminal

    adj. son, uç, dönem sonuna ait, ölümcül hastalığın son aşamasına ait, dalın ucunda yetişen
    n. son, uç, terminal, gar, son durak, son hece, sonek, kutup [elek.]
    * * *
    * * *
    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) terminal, gar
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) uç, kutup
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminal, uçbirim
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) şifasız

    English-Turkish dictionary > terminal

  • 9 terminal

    ['təːmɪnl] 1. adj
    disease nieuleczalny; patient nieuleczalnie chory
    2. n ( ELEC)
    końcówka f, przyłącze nt; ( COMPUT) terminal m; (also: air terminal) terminal m lotniczy; ( BRIT) (also: bus terminal) pętla f autobusowa
    * * *
    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) stacja końcowa
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) zacisk
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminal
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) nieuleczalny

    English-Polish dictionary > terminal

  • 10 terminal

    adj. slut-, änd-; ytterst; termins-
    n. terminal; ändpunkt
    * * *
    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) terminal, slut-, ändstation
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) pol
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminal
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) dödlig, obotlig

    English-Swedish dictionary > terminal

  • 11 terminal

    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) terminal
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) terminal
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminal
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) terminal

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > terminal

  • 12 terminal

    csatlakozás, záró, vég-, csatlakozóvég, végállomás
    * * *
    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminál
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) pályaudvar
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) kivezetés
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminál
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) végállapotú

    English-Hungarian dictionary > terminal

  • 13 terminal

    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) letisková budova
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) konečná stanica
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) koncovka
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminál
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) v konečnom štádiu
    * * *
    • v termíne
    • vrcholový
    • vývod
    • záverecný
    • zakoncenie
    • zanmenajúci koniec
    • zakoncit
    • semestrálny
    • semestrálny (škol.)
    • špicka bleskozvodu
    • špicka
    • štvrtrocný (škol.)
    • štvrtrocná skúška
    • svorka
    • subjektový
    • terminál
    • termínový
    • terminálny
    • tvoriaci medzník
    • tvoriaci koniec
    • predikátový
    • prísudkový
    • hrot
    • hranicný
    • hranica
    • polrocný (škol.)
    • pól
    • polrocná skúška
    • koncová jednotka
    • koniec
    • koniec drôtu
    • koncový
    • konecný
    • kolícek
    • koncové zariadenie
    • koncovka
    • konecná stanica
    • mesto na konci trati
    • medzný
    • medza

    English-Slovak dictionary > terminal

  • 14 terminal

    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) letištní/odbavovací budova
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) konečná stanice
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) koncovka
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminál
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) v konečném stadiu
    * * *
    • koncový
    • konečný

    English-Czech dictionary > terminal

  • 15 terminal

    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) aerogară
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) gară/staţie terminus
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) bornă
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminal
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) în fază terminală

    English-Romanian dictionary > terminal

  • 16 terminal

    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) aérogare
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) terminus
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) borne
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminal
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) en phase terminale

    English-French dictionary > terminal

  • 17 terminal

    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) flugstöð
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) umferðarmiðstöð
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) skaut, póll, úttak
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) útstöð
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) ólæknandi, sem er á lokastigi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > terminal

  • 18 terminal

    • jakorasia
    • ajankohta
    • asema
    • päätepiste
    • päätetransistori
    automatic data processing
    • pääte
    • päätevahvistin
    • päätevarusteet
    • pää
    • pääteasema
    • päätepysäkki
    • pääte-
    • päätepylväs
    automatic data processing
    • päätelaite
    automatic data processing
    • päätteenkäyttäjä
    • päätekappale
    • päätesovitin
    automatic data processing
    • pääteverkko
    • raja
    • raja-
    • terminaali
    • tietokonepääte
    • termi
    • kohtio
    • liitin
    • liitäntänapa
    • kaapelikenkä
    • napa
    • napa (tek.)
    • napa(tekniikka)
    • säilytys
    • äärimmäinen
    • pinne
    • loppu
    • loppuvaiheinen
    • loppu-
    * * *
    'tə:minəl 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminaali
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) pääteasema
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) napa
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) pääte
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) kuolemaan johtava

    English-Finnish dictionary > terminal

  • 19 terminal

    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) lidosta; aviosabiedrības pārstāvniecība
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) galastacija
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) spaile
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) termināls
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) pēdējā stadijā
    * * *
    galapunkts, galastacija; beigu zilbe; semestra gala eksāmens; maksa par preču pārvadāšanu līdz galastacijai; spaile; terminālis; gala, beigu; periodisks; semestra; galējs, pēdējais; termināls

    English-Latvian dictionary > terminal

  • 20 terminal

    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) (transporto) stotis, mazgas
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) (galinė) stotis
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) gnybtas
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminalas
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) paskutinės stadijos

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > terminal

См. также в других словарях:

  • Terminal Station — Infobox Film name = Terminal Station image size = caption = director = Vittorio De Sica producer = Vittorio De Sica writer = Cesare Zavattini (story) Luigi Chiarini Giorgio Prosperi nowrap|Truman Capote (dialogue) narrator = starring = Montgomery …   Wikipedia

  • Birmingham Terminal Station — Birmingham Terminal Station, completed in 1909, was the principal railway station for Birmingham, Alabama (USA) until the 1950s. It was demolished in 1969 and its loss still serves as a rallying image for local preservationists.BeginningsSix of… …   Wikipedia

  • Nambu Bus Terminal Station — Korean name Hangul 남부터미널역 …   Wikipedia

  • Express Bus Terminal Station, Seoul — Infobox SMS station caption=Line 3 platform hangul=고속터미널역 hanja=高速터미널驛 rr=Gosokteomineol yeok mr=Kosokt ŏminŏl yŏk line3=339 line7=734 type=Underground platforms=Line 3 2 side platforms Line 7 2 side platforms screendoors=Not Installed… …   Wikipedia

  • Düsseldorf Airport Terminal station — Operations Category …   Wikipedia

  • The Taking of Pelham One Two Three — (published in 1973) is a thriller novel by Morton Freedgood, writing under the pseudonym John Godey. The name is derived from the train s radio callsign. When a New York City Subway train leaves to start a run, it is given a callsign based upon… …   Wikipedia

  • The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974 film) — Infobox Film | name = The Taking of Pelham One Two Three caption = original film poster by Mort Künstler director = Joseph Sargent producer = Edgar J. Scherick writer = John Godey (novel) Peter Stone starring = Walter Matthau Jerry Stiller Martin …   Wikipedia

  • The Amazing Race 2 — Season run March 11, 2002 – May 15, 2002 Filming dates January 7, 2002 – February 3, 2002 No. of episodes 11 Winning team Chris Luca Alex Boylan Continents visited …   Wikipedia

  • The Amazing Race 9 — Season run February 28, 2006 – May 17, 2006 Filming dates November 7, 2005 – December 3, 2005 No. of episodes 12 Winning team B.J. Averell Tyler MacNiven Continents visited …   Wikipedia

  • The Young and the Restless minor characters — The following are characters from the American soap opera The Young and the Restless who are notable for their actions or relationships, but who do not warrant their own articles. Contents 1 Current Characters 1.1 Genevieve …   Wikipedia

  • Terminal PUTRA LRT station — Terminal Putra (also known as the Gombak LRT station) is an LRT station in Kuala Lumpur that is served by rapidKL s Kelana Jaya Line. It is also the northern terminus for the Kelana Jaya Line. This terminal is located near the highway that leads… …   Wikipedia

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